New Music Daily CD


On the Solstice, June 21, 1997 I began a personal odyssey to create a new shot piece of music every day for a month and post it on the internet. It was a personal exploration I’d been wanting to make for many years. I continue to be fascinated by short forms: haiku, sumi-e, the short stories of Jorges Luis Borges and Italo Calvino, etc. By setting a goal of composing a short piece each day I was able to explore styles and concepts that, to have created a full length composition, would have been too daunting. Thus, I could spend an hour preparing my grand piano then compose a short piece; ambient styles using analog synths, or orchestral sketches using samplers; same water phones, gongs, tars, bells and piano as sources for musique concrete; or simple create a groove on the Exhoplex and play shakuhachi over the the top.

This exploration/experimentation became a very personal daily journal. Embracing these varied facets pushed my personal envelope. Now as I look back at it I can see strengths, weaknesses, blind spots, moments of inspiration and avenues for further exploration and deeper development. — July, 21, 1997

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